1851: Cover blown at the Sergison Arms
Cuckfield Connections
A personal journey of discovery
1912: 'Foolish' young man's theft from the Queen's Hall
1942: Turn those lights out, Angela!
1881: Gimlets and wedges aid burglars
1909: Suicide through grief in Cuckfield
1929: The Cuckfield Place fraud recalled
1913: Accolade for retiring Cuckfield PC
1903: Whiteman's Green stone throwers - 'part of a nuisance gang' in Cuckfield
1912: Young thief to be thrashed after Shoe Club theft
1869: Mysterious murder still unidentified
1884: A dangerous practice on the streets of Cuckfield
1865: Clothes thief on the loose in Cuckfield
1889: Abusing Mr Burrell ...
1886: Removing the removers
1805: A domestic murders her baby
1869: Graphic witness detail at Cuckfield murder inquest ...
1929: Lazy guard dogs
1872: Remanded for suspicious behaviour!
1884: Umbrella thief's reign at an end?
1867: Using a child as a decoy