When it comes to fashion, not a lot changes! The sixteenth century Cuckfield writer Andrew Boorde tells us that choosing fashionable clothes was a real headache for the man about town in the sixteenth century too. The man in the illustration, that accompanied the poem below, even has cloth and scissors at the ready - but, sadly, inspiration has he none:
I am an English man and naked I stand here,
Musyng in my mynde what rayment I shal were;
For now I wyll were thys, and now I wyl were that;
Now I wyl were I cannot tel what.
All new hasyons be plesaunt to me;
I wyl haue them, whether I thryue or thee
This goes on at length, and it's a tough read - check the link below if you want to read on.
'The Boke of Knowledge' by Andrew Boord, c1542.
Chapter 1 'The Englishman who loves new fashions'
https://iiif.wellcomecollection.org/pdf/b21529589 made available by Creative Commons, Public Domain.
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.