The London to Brighton line was completed between London Bridge Station and Haywards Heath and opened on 12 July 1841. A connecting coach service to take passengers the ten miles between Haywards Heath and Brighton. Brighton Station had been open since May 1840 and receiving coastal trains.
The remainder of the line from Haywards Heath to Brighton just a few weeks after the first leg opened on 21 September 1841.
The timetable below relates to the initial opening of the line from London to Haywards Heath.
This Railway is NOW OPEN from London to HAYWARDS HEATH, near Cuckfield. for the conveyance of passengers, parcels, horses and carriages. The trains will run under :—
Will leave the Station at London-bridge, at half-past 9 and half-past 11 a.m., and at half-past 1 and half-past 5 p.m.
Will leave the Station at Brighton, at 7 and 9 a.m., and at half-past 12 and half-past 5 p.m.
The first train on every Monday morning, will leave Brighton at half-past 6 o'clock.
Will leave the station at London-bridge, at 10 a.m., and at ? and half-past 5 p.m.
Will leave the station at Brighton, at half-past 9 a.m., and at 5 pm.
Passengers will be conveyed by coach between Hayward's-heath and Brighton, and the Fares throughout from London to Brighton, or from Brighton to London, will be, for the First Class Carriages 15s., and for the Second Class 11s. Children under ten years of age half-price. The whole journey will be completed in four hours. Passengers will not be conveyed from Brighton to Hayward's-heath, unless proceeding by the trains.
N. B. — In order to ensure conveyance between Hayward's-heath and Brighton, passengers for the whole distance must book their places on the preceding day, at either of the following offices: —Griffin's, Oxford-street, Green Man and Still, Hatchard's, Piccadilly; 41, Regent circus; Spread Eagle, Regent-circus; Golden Cross, Charing-cross; George and Blue Boar, Holborn; Old Bell, Holborn; White Horse, Fetter-lane; Cross Keys, Wood-street; Spread Eagle, Grace-church-street; or at the Station, London-bridge, at all of which places parcels may also be booked.
Bills, containing the time of departure from, and the fares between the intermediate stations, the terms for conveying horses and carriages, with every other requisite information, may be obtained on application at the termini at London-bridge and Brighton; at the respective booking-offices; or at the offices of the Company, 10, Angel-court, Throgmorton-street.
By Order,
THOMAS WOOD, Secretary.
July 21, 1841.
From The Sun, 21 July 1841
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.
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