Brighton Gazette - Thursday 31 October 1844
Since our respected Vicar has been among us, he has made the most strenuous exertions on behalf of the National School, and the result has been a great increase of pupils, as well as that the attendance is more regular, and the school materially improved in every respect.
On Sunday se’nnight its claims were ably advocated by the Vicar, who took for his text the 12th verse of the 7th chapter of St. Matthew, and strongly enforced the duty of placing instruction within the reach of those who had not the means of obtaining it themselves.

The number of children now on the books is nearly 200, and the amount collected was about £11 It is in contemplation to remove the school shortly to the Grammar School house in the church-yard, as the present building is quite unfit for the purpose, it being very damp and badly ventilated.
The Rev. T. A. Maberly, Vicar, has given two lectures or explanations of scripture, which he intends to continue every Friday evening, at the Grammar School in the church-yard. The lectures are very interesting and instructive, and have been well attended