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1847: Paupers to be catered for

To Builders. Cuckfield Union.

The Board of Guardians are desirous to receive Tenders for the immediate erection, at the Union Workhouse in Cuckfield, of a small Building to be used as a Receiving Room for Paupers.

The Plan and Specification of the Works may be seen on application to the Clerk of the Union, at his Office in Cuckfield.

The Guardians reserve to themselves the power of rejecting any Tender.

Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Board of Guardians, to be delivered at the Workhouse (free of expence) previous to Twelve o'clock at Noon of the 13th August next, at which time the Tenders will be opened by the Board.


Cuckfield 23rd July, 1847. Clerk of the Union.


From Brighton Gazette - Thursday 29 July 1847

Illustration for the story 'Peasant Proprietorship'. Here, the self-reliant peasant Austin meets his neighbor, a very poor woman taking care of a disabled child. Her cottage is tiny and tumbledown but clean, with a few attempts made at prettying it up. Frederick Walker (1840-1875) Wikimedia public domain image.


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