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1855: Young thief caught out

Sussex Advertiser - Tuesday 12 June 1855


Magisterial Business, Thursday, June 7th.—

William Wood, aged 12, was tried under the Juvenile Offenders Act. tor picking pockets.

—Fanny Davis, of Horsham, said she was visiting at Brook street and was at the Ship Club the previous evening at about half-past eight. Prisoner was standing near her, and feeling some one pushing, she perceived his hand in her pocket. She missed the purse with half-crown in it, and accused him, but he walked away, and she saw it lying the ground.

The Ship Inn c1920

She gave him in custody of Campany, E.S.C., to whom she delivered the purse and money. Inspector Akehurst said the boy was not known, and had described himself as coming from London to Chailey club to hold horses, for which purpose he came to Cuckfield. Committed to two months' hard labour, and to be once whipped.



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