Surrey Gazette Saturday 18 November 1871
On Wednesday November 15 a serious accident happened to George Taylor, coachman to Miss Dealtry, of Bolnore, who, having just mounted the box to drive his mistress home from a dinner party at Ockenden house, about 10:00 o'clock, was seized with giddiness, or a kind of fit, and fell heavily on the road at the Talbot stables.
Doctor Byass was instantly sent for, and with his son promptly attended, and found that Taylor's leg was badly fractured just above the ankle, both bones being broken, and the double fracture a serious compound one. He was also much shaken and hurt in other ways, having but lately recovered from a long illness caused by a tumour.

He is lying at the Talbot hotel, and under the care of Doctor Byass is likely to do well, but it is feared that on account of his age he will be a confirmed cripple.