West Sussex County Times-Saturday 14 August 1880
Baptist Chapel The renovation of this ancient edifice, situate in the "Polestub", having been completed, after having been closed for two months for the purpose, the reopening service took place this week, when a great number of visitors from a distance patronised the proceedings. At 2:30 PM, Mr G. W. Shepherd, pastor of Mount Zion Chapel, Hill Street, Dorset Square, London, preached an excellent discourse, and at 5:00 o'clock a tea, to which a large number stayed, was provided at the Talbot Hotel. After tea the sermonising was resumed, when Mr shepherd again discoursed to an overflowing congregation. The Chapel presents quite a modernised appearance to what it did before the renovation, new pews forming a chief feature of the arrangements.
The cause has been liberally helped in the undertaking, not only by the local sympathisers, but also many friends at a distance. It is understood that the primitive Methodist body placed their Chapel at Whiteman's green at the disposal of the Baptists for morning service during the two months of removal and renovation