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1911: Many rare and magnificent things on view at the Cuckfield Industrial and Art Exhibition

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 21 February 1911

CUCKFIELD INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION There is every prospect of the Cuckfield lndustrial and Art Exhibition, to be held tomorrow (Wednesday) in the Queens Hall, Cuckfield, being a great success. The Hon Secretary (Mrs. C.H. Waugh) together with other ladies, has worked most energetically to make the exhibition “go," and and it is for the public to rally round the officials so that the exhibition shall be a financial success. There are eleven sections in the schedule, and among the things to be seen are needlework goods, paintings, specimens of photography, basket work, carving, doll dressing, cooking, laundry work, &c; exhibition opens at 3 p.m and closes at 9 p.m.

Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 28 February 1911 COMPLETE LIST OF AWARDS.

On Wednesday, at the Queen’s Hall, Cuckfield, there was held the much-talked-of industrial and art exhibition, and all who availed themselves of the opportunity of inspecting it were glad they did so, for many rare and magnificent things were on view. From mansion and cottage —and even the Workhouse—came the exhibits, and we venture to say a more valuable and interesting collection has never before been got together in Mid - Sussex. There were treasures from the East and from the West —treasures ancient and modern—and the ingenuity displayed by craftsmen of bygone days drew forth many expressions of admiration. To give a complete list of the loan exhibits is a task beyond us, for there was ever a crowd around the stalls. There was much neck-straining required to get even a glimpse of some of the curios, and at times it was difficult to move about the Hall, there being so


Mr. Hubert Bates, in the lobby of the Hall, had a fine show of faces and hands from grandfather clocks made in the locality between 1740 and 1850. Fronting the Hall platform were several elegant specimens of bookbinding—the work of clever Miss L. Wrightson. Upstairs was a beautiful model of a mill engine, the maker being ingenious Mr. A. E. Brookshaw. Lindfieldians gazed intently at a 1840 view of Lindfield from the Haywards Heath station, the picture having been lent by Mr. W. Herrington. Extremely interesting also was a list of Cuckfield Schoolmasters (43) from 1520 to the present day. Only since 1844 have the schoolmasters been laymen. Previous to that period, Mr. Herrington pointed out, they were priests. A copy of Cuckfield Charter, granted by Charles II, was also to be seen, also a picture showing “Cuckfield on Holiday” in 1864. The High Street was crowded with smartly - dressed folk, and stretched across the road was this motto “There is no place like home.”

The Queen's Hall

The rubbings of brasses in Lingfield Church, the work of Mr. W. C. Stevens, attracted much attention, as also did the hat case which was once the property of Lord Nelson, but now in the possession of Mr. A. Beeching. Not without feelings of sadness could the friends of the late Mr. Leonard Gibb look upon the large photo of the Cuckfield National School Crystal Palace Choir —the last coached by Mr. Gibb before his fatal illness. To-day there is not one in the School who figure in the picture! Colonel Stephenson R. Clarke, who fought in THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAR,

sent, amongst other things, an armchair made by Boer prisoners at St. Helena. Sergeant Chatfield, of the Royal Marines, who has passed the 90th milestone in life, showed the medals he had gained in his various engagements—six in all. The old warrior has good reason to be proud of his career. We wonder if his ears burned on Wednesday afternoon? The picture section was excellent, and the support given Mr Leslie, R.A., of Lindfield, was deeply appreciated. The brush work of Alfred Hillman, scholar at Cuckfield School, indicated that he possesses artistic talent of no mean order, and if someone would extend him a helping hand he might make a name for himself in the world of art. His Elizabethan ship, named “ Westward Ho,” was very well executed. Besides those above mentioned, praiseworthy non-competitive exhibits were sent by Lady Kleinwort, Lady Loder, the Dowager Lady Burrell, Mrs. S. R. Clarke, Mrs. Fisher, Miss Maberly, Mrs. Breitmeyer, Mrs. Walton, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Rapley, Miss Horn, Mr. A. N. Kirk, Mrs. Kirk, Miss Gibbs, Miss Britten, Mrs. Potter, Mrs. Deane, Miss Constance Keyl, Mrs. Wade Browne, Mrs. Connock, Mrs. Pennyfather, Miss Vaughan, Mrs. W. Cooper, Mrs. Jupp, the Holy Cross Home, Mrs. and Miss Sewell, Mr. R. A. Bevan, J.P., Mr. E. Tower, Mrs. Cleare, Miss Kate Leslie, Miss Macdonald, Mrs, Umpleby, Miss Kate Brookshaw, Miss Knight, Miss Searle, Miss Winter, Mrs. Hill, Miss Morgan, Miss Attewell, Messrs. Robinson, Mr. Elvey, Mrs. H. Rowland, Mr. T. Wells, Mr. Boarer, Mrs. Percy Lambart, Mrs. Rogers, Miss Gray, Miss Molyneux, Mr. Stone, Mrs. Dalton, Mrs. Latham, Miss Hounsell, Master C. Murrell, Mr. Homewood, Mr. Pledger, Miss Swan, Miss Standen, Miss Lanchester, Mr. F. Miller, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. W. Murrell, Mr. Henley, Mr. Wilkins, Miss Barstow, Miss A. Sillem, Miss G. E. Sibley, Miss E. Savill, Miss Berly, Mr. Best, Mrs. C. H. Waugh, Mr. S. Hill, Master Tom Austin, Master S. Bourn and other


Many exhibits did not arrive until practically the last moment, and consequently there could not be found time to place upon them the owners’ names. Now as to the competitive section. Persons of all ages were invited to show what they could do, and from the Hon. Secretary (Mrs. C. H. Waugh) —who had a most difficult task to perform, and performed it successfully—we ascertained that there were no fewer than 240 competitors. There were sections devoted to plain and fancy needlework, knitting, doll dressing, cooking, laundry work, basket work, carving, painting, photography, picture-framing and “odds and ends.” And taking the sections altogether we do not remember seeing a bad exhibit. Much of the work, indeed, revealed “brains,” and in several classes the judges found it desirable to award extra prizes. The first prize for the best hand-made cotton nightdress went to Mrs. F. Frost, whilst Miss Amy Barham won first prize for the best woman’s print dress. Miss V. Hobson made the best pair of knitted men’s socks, and Mrs. Campbell the best pair of knitted men’s stockings. Ellen Black was awarded the premier prize for knitted woollen gloves, and Mrs. Knott won the prize for the best pair of knitted baby’s shoes. First prizes in the painting section went to Miss Gritton, Mrs. W. Stevens, Mrs. C. H. Waugh, Miss Neate, Miss Blake and Miss Horn, while in the photography section the leading prize-winners were Miss A. M. Walters and Mr. T. Best. In the cookery- section Mrs. Webb and Miss Rawle shone. Mrs. Upton prepared the


It consisted of a potato pie, with vegetables and bread, and a rice pudding. Not bad fare for sixpence! Mrs. Miller made the best home made loaf, and the prize for the best temperance drink for the hayfield was taken by Miss M. G. Gill, she using oatmeal and a lemon. There was a good display of fruit cakes, and first place was gained by Mrs. Williams. The afternoon tea tables were pleasing to behold, and the prizes went to Miss Spalding, Miss Evenden and Mrs. Rowland. The extra prize for tea table cakes went to Mrs. Avery, whose skill in cake making is well known to Cuckfieldians. The laundry work prizes fell to Mrs. Portway and Ivy Portway. The carving work was cleverly executed, and Mrs. Wade Browne, Miss Campbell, C. Rogers and G. Mighall secured the prizes. The specimens of basket work were most creditable to the workers, and the awards went to Miss Packham, Miss E. Gladman and Miss E. Ticehurst. The drawn thread work and Swiss embroidery done by Miss Neff were highly spoken of, and Miss G. Kirk, in the class for specimen of coloured embroidery, was first prize winner. Miss Payne, Mrs. Bussell and Mrs. Penfold won the prizes offered in the class for best dressed doll. The best picture frame was made by Mr. C. Packham, and Mrs. Knott secured the prize offered for the most suitable present for an elderly gentleman —a smoking cap and a pair of cuffs.


were as follows : Needlework : Mrs. Latham, Mrs. Maddock and Miss Wrightson. Knitting: Mrs. Montagu Turner, Mrs. White and Miss Fox. Painting: Mr. Leslie, R.A., Mr. Standen and Miss Molyneux. Photography:

Mrs. A. O. Jennings and Mr. W. Herrington. Carving: The Rev. S. Maddock and Miss Hamshar. Cookery: Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Bunting, Miss Gill, Miss M.Gill, Miss Bevan and Miss Ivy Turner. Tea tables: Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Stewart. Baskets ; Miss Sewell and Miss Britten. Gentleman’s present and Frames: Mr. Askew .and Mr. White. Fancy work : Mrs. Campbell Miss Pearson. Dolls: Miss Horn and Miss Spalding. Laundry work: Mrs. Morfee and Miss M. Gill. Odds and ends : Miss Fisher, Miss Bevan and Miss Ivy Turner. The stewards were Messrs. Hunt, Eric and W. G. Stevens, T. Best, T. E. P. Attewell, H. A. Rapley, K. E. Napper, Orchard, Burtenshaw, Taylor, King, Lewin, Carter, Wells, Bone, H. Rowland and G. Mortimer. The tea tables were well patronised, and the catering was all that could be desired. Mrs. Avery and Mrs. Hobbs were in charge, and their assistants were Mrs. Bates, Miss Morfee, Miss Hobbs, Mrs. Webb, Miss K. Brookshaw, Miss Gill, Miss M. Gill, Miss Railton, Mrs. Hunt, Miss Holden, Miss Leal and Miss Matthews.


—who found their duties no means light —were Mrs. Breitmeyer, Mrs. R. Fisher, Mrs. W. Stevens, Miss Gray, Miss Wrightson and Miss Cooper. As previously mentioned, Mrs. C. H. Waugh acted as Hon. Secretary, and only those “behind the scenes” can fully appreciate the weight of responsibility which rested upon her shoulders. In Miss Morfee the Secretary found a most capable and obliging assistant. At the opening ceremony the Rev. R. Fisher (Vicar) presided, and previous to calling upon Miss Maberly to declare the exhibition open, the rev. gentleman said that the Maberly family had been connected with Cuckfield for seventy years. It was in 1841 that the late Rev. T. A. Maberly came there as Vicar, and the family had been associated with the parish ever since. All who had borne the name of Maberly had had an intense love for Cuckfield, and had ever sought to advance its welfare. Miss Maberly, in opening that exhibition, was keeping up the traditions of the family and doing one more kindly act in the interests of the town. (Applause). He congratulated the Committee on the splendid exhibition they had got together, and the harmonious way in which they had worked and acted for the good of Cuckfield. (Applause). He hoped another time arrangements would be made for holding the exhibition on more than one day. (Hear, hear).


in the course of a nicely-delivered speech, said it made her very happy to do something for dear old Cuckfield. Such an exhibition brought out unsuspected talent, and she hoped it would encourage others to try and see what they could do in future. It also shewed elevating and useful ways of employing time which might otherwise wasted : and, further, drew them together in kindly and friendly competition, and gave them opportunities of seeing the interesting and beautiful things belonging to their neighbours and friends. She most warmly thanked the Committee and Hon. Secretary for the almost endless trouble they had taken in making the exhibition the success it really was. Only those who knew could form any idea of the trouble and difficulty such work entailed. She had great pleasure in declaring the exhibition open. (Applause). Mr. H. E. STEWART next proposed the vote of thanks to Miss Maberly. He was struck by the enormous amount of interest shown in the neighbourhood in connection with the exhibition. Speaking personally he had had to have every drawer in his house turned out to see if there was anything there that could be sent to the exhibition. (Laughter). He was very glad there had been no age limit, and the competitions had been open to both old and young. quite agreed with Miss Maberly’s remarks concerning the hard work put in by the Committee and Secretary. That work had been quietly and unassumingly done, and but for the Committee’s efforts the exhibition could not have been a success. The vote was accorded with acclamation. In the evening


but before doing - he congratulated and thanked the ladies responsible for getting up the exhibition. It meant working like galley slaves get things in order. The collection of exhibits was really remarkable. It was some twenty years ago since a similar exhibition was held. The exhibits were displayed in the School, and very interesting they were. From that exhibition there was surplus of 10s., and it had remained in the hands of Miss Payne all those years. He had the pleasure of announcing, however, that Miss Payne would hand over the money to the funds of that day’s exhibition. (Applause). He had seen many admirable exhibits that day which he should never have seen had not the owners sent them to that Hall. In humorous style the speaker referred to the needlework exhibits—the merit of which he could not touch upon, not being a retired inspector of schools (Laughter) —and passing on to speak of the cookery section, he impressed upon girls the advantages to be gained from a knowledge of the cookery art. The prizes having been handed over, Mr., Stevens, J.P., proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Bevan for the task he had well performed. The exhibition had been undoubted success, and he (the speaker) hoped it would become an annual affair, and that Mr. Bevan would be with them to again distribute the prizes. (Applause). The vote of thanks having been passed, Mr. Bevan briefly replied, and


followed. Capital instrumental selections were played by the Orchestra of the Cuckfield Musical Society, under the able conductorship of Miss Payne, and quartets were sung by Miss Payne, Miss Molyneux, the Rev. R. H. C. Mertens and Mr. A. Rapley. During the afternoon pianoforte selections were played by the Misses Allin (Lindfield). The beautiful plants which adorned the platform were kindly lent by Mrs. Breitmeyer and Miss Payne. The fact that the exhibition brought many people into friendly touch with each other, and also enabled them to see what skilful hands were capable of accomplishing, caused the hope to be frequently expressed that it would be held, Mr. Stevens had suggested, annually.


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