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1922: Bexhill checks out Cuckfield's dirty laundry

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

A report of the [Bexhill Workhouse] laundry committee was presented by Mrs Meads, who stated they visited the laundries at Uckfield, Cuckfield, Lewes and Hailsham Unions. In three out of four, steam was used and in every case there was an expert in charge. They made the following suggestions: (1) that a permanent laundry committee be establish: (2) that steam be supplied from the present boiler to the laundry to run the washing engine: (3) that there be an expert laundress in charge: (4), there is a small hand, washing machine be obtained.

Mrs Shoesmith and Mr Baker, the other members of the Committee, supported the report.

The committee were thanked for the report and the committee was appointed to go further into the question and report.

Bexhill-on-Sea Observer, 21 October 1922

Drawing: P.Broux, Engraving: Narcisse Navellier. Workshop of beating and washing engines.1873-77.

Contributed by Malcolm Davison.

Visit Cuckfield Museum, follow the link for details



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