Picturesque ceremony at the parish church
The residents of Cuckfield have not had the pleasure of witnessing the marriage of a daughter of a Vicar of Cuckfield for the long period of sixty years, and consequently very great interest was displayed in the marriage, at the Parish Church on Saturday of Miss Mary Susan Wilson, LRAM and Mr Gilbert Ninian Arman. The bride is the second daughter of Canon C. W. Wilson (Vicar of Cuckfield and Rural Dean) and of Mrs Wilson, and for upwards of four years she was organist at Cuckfield Parish Church. For the past nine months she has acted in a similar capacity at Holy Trinity Church, Florence.
Lady bellringer
During the war Miss Wilson was one of the girls who rendered service as bellringers at Cuckfield Church during the absence of regular members of the Band. The bridegroom is the eldest son of the late Mr Edward William James Arman and of Mrs Arman, of 30 College Road, Reading. He served with the Royal Engineers in France during the war and retired with the rank of Captain.
A large number of people assembled in the vicinity of the church to watch the arrival of the guests and bridal party. Inside the building the chancel was prettily decorated with pink and blue flowers, and prior to the wedding the organist (Mr Eric MeLellan) played a selection of appropriate voluntaries, including ‘Alleluya’ (William Faulkes), ‘Variations on Melody by Arne’ (Benedict), arranged by Dr Chastey Hector (Organist of Brighton Parish Church), ‘Pastorale in E’ (Cesar Franck) and ‘March in Scipio’ (Handel).
Mid SussexTimes, 21 June 1927
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.