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1936: Artillery invades Ansty

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Royal Field Artillery in Palestine in 1936 (Colourised)

On two days of last week the presence of military here [in Ansty], in Butler's Field, gave a warlike aspect. On the first night five batteries of the Royal Field Artillery, and on the second night three batteries, made the above venue a 'reat camp' on their way to Fordingbridge. That prime necessity, water, was laid on to the camp, from the mains of the Mid Sussex Joint Water Board, by Mr CG Ballard, of Haywards Heath.

Mid Sussex Times, 18 August 1908

3 November 1936

Contributed by Malcolm Davison.

Photo: Field artillery R.A. newly arrived in Jerusalem, parked close to Royal Signal's camp south of Jerusalem near Talpioth. 1936

.NOTE: Butler's Farm, Bolney Road is located at the western end of the village of Ansty next to the old junction of the A272 with Old Pink's Lane, now a bridleway. The house dates from around 1450.

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