West Sussex Gazette - Thursday 21 September 1950
A Cuckfield woman artist and a married couple whose portraits she had painted were parties in a dispute before Judge P. H. Archer. N.C., at Hayward Heath County Court last week.
The artist Mrs. Diana Yvonne Perry, of 2, Ockenden, claimed £8 8s. from Laurence E. Gates, Tower House. Cuckfield, alleging that Gates and his wife, Danuse had agreed to purchase the pictures (which were exhibited in Court). Gates' Defence was that he neither ordered the pictures nor agreed to accept them. He stated that Mrs. Perry asked his wife to sit for her because of her good colouring. Later he was asked If he would sit for Mrs. Perry because she was short of subjects. When the two pictures were offered to him for £7 10s., he replied that he would consider the matter after his holiday, but the following Saturday the pictures were brought to him by Mr. Perry.

Mrs. Perry, who agreed that she asked Mrs. Oates to alt for a portrait said Oates afterwards asked if he could purchase It, and she consented to sell It for £3 3s.. which was more or less the cost of the materials. She was later asked to paint Oates' portrait. and she agreed to do this for £5. 5s.
Replying to Mr. Oates. Mrs. Perry said It was not true that she asked his wife If he would sit for his portrait. "You are extremely difficult to paint, and I would not choose to paint you." she stated.
The Judge gave judgment for plaintiff for the amount claimed, with costs.