A 12-year-old boy was not a bit interested last night when his stepfather told him that his great grandfather had left him ‘a lot’ of money.
‘Oh?’ he said … and went on reading a book of adventure stories.
The boy Is Thomas GR Cook, of Harvest Hill, Cuckfleld, Sussex. When he is 25 he will receive almost all of the £174,000 which his great grandfather left him when he died in July.
The boy's father, an RAF pilot, was killed in the war.
His stepfather, Mr Thomas Walker, said last night: ‘We have had to tell him because the will has been published. But we shall try to keep the amount from him.’
Barrier Daily Truth, Australia, 20 Sep 1954, P2
Illustration: Cover to 'Thrilling Adventures', volume 2, number 3 (Metropolitan Magazines, July 1932).
July 1932. http://comicbookplus.com/?dlid=59128. Wikimedia public domain image.
Russian boy reading an interesting book, 21 June 2017, Vitold Muratov. Wikimedia public domain image.
Contributed by Malcolm Davison. http://comicbookplus.com/?dlid=59128