We are glad to be able, on the authority of Mr. Inspector Vine, to again state that the Lewes Division, at present enjoys perfect freedom from the cattle disease. Mr Woodman of Glynde, whose numerous losses of stock from the disease have been from time to time noticed in these columns, has at length succeeded in getting rid of the scourge, after burying some fifty animals.
The Cuckfield district was on Monday reported by the Inspector (Mr Crowhurst) to have no case of the disease existing therein. At Keymer, however, an instance of the murrain has occurred on Mr Agate’s farm (Purtons), which it is feared will he the means of communicating the infection to cattle on the adjoining farms, unless very stringent precautions are taken to prevent its doing so.
Mr Vine recommended deodorisation and the use of disinfectants. He also advised perfect isolation, and even the placing of a man as sentry over cattle where there is fear of infection. In the Hailsham district, as will be seen by a report elsewhere in these columns, two fresh cases occurred.
The Sussex Advertiser, 26 December 1865
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.
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