Since 9 o'clock on Saturday night rapid changes in the weather, together with a variation in the wind, has been apparent in this neighbourhood, subsequently a sudden thaw has set in, and rendered our footpaths, both in this town and Haywards Heath, barely impassable without getting ankle deep in the slimy, watery, and rotten foundations. With the Local Board, of course, rests the matter of devising means and ways for its future improvement, and we advise this important body to adopt stringent measures for its effectual remedy, which one undoubtedly will be no mean task.
Perhaps the incessant downpour on Tuesday morning will materially assist them in their dilemma. Skating amusements are for the once at an end, but those fraternising in this favourite apart have amused themselves to their heart's content upon the splendid pieces of ice both at Pond Lye and the dog kennel below Cuckfield Park mansion during the past week. Upwards of 1,000 were pleasure seeking on the former and about 200 on the latter place on Sunday afternoon.
Singular to relate three immersions occurred on both ponds, but beyond a severe and uncomfortable drenching the consequences were happily not serious. Trade generally amongst mechanics has been very depressing, but with the dissipation of the frost it is hoped brighter days are in store for these usually busy bodies.
The Sussex Advertiser, 15 January 1871
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.