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1881: Suggestions for travelling more safely through Cuckfield

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

Mid Sussex Times - Wednesday 27 April 1881


To the Editor of The Mid-Sussex Times.

Sir, —Thanks for the space you allowed “Sightseer” in your valuable local paper, and I wish to gratefully acknowledge the same by observing the gratifying manner in which the Local Board have raised preventative measures in the shape of a barrier on the outskirts of the road at Bedlam Pond.

The public are very much gratified by the improvement, and it is my wish that they should be considered when anything of a dangerous character prevails in our neighbourhood. That august body, the Local Board, however, have not taken in hand at present the difficulty of “Watering our Streets;” probably they are in a fix as to how the evil may best remedied. If they first sounded the opinion of the ratepayers, perhaps the solution might be discovered, for they are the chief parties concerned by the existing grievance, having the greatest losses to bear by an occasional visitation of a whirlwind. They would lend sterling help I have no doubt.

Another matter is brought under my notice which will only involve small outlay and prevent hereafter an alarming accident. That is, the danger to bicyclists and others coming down the town hill in mistaking the Church-street entrance at the corner for the main road. One or two unlucky upsets have occurred at this —well, not particularly dangerous—turning; in one instance a bicyclist went towards the church and came rather violently into collision with the gates at the entrance of the churchyard, whereby he broke his arm and received a severe shaking.

Church Street c1900

As a suggestion, therefore, to the Local Board, at their next meeting, why not erect a large finger-post “To Brighton” in large letters, on the side of Mr. Pierce’s shop, which any ordinary individual could not mistake for a guidance to the "Queen of Watering Places,” and whither nearly all the pedestrians and holiday makers who pass through our town are generally bent.

Not wishing to make myself obnoxious to anyone residing the parish, but having their interests at heart, I hope to see ere long my suggestion carried out for the well-being of all classes.

Yours truly,


Cuckfield, 22nd April. 1881



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