Henry Neale v. Cuddington.
In this case plaintiff, who is a wheelwright, residing at Cuckfield, sued the defendant, a furniture remover, of Brighton, for £2 for services rendered. It appears that early in October a furniture van of defendant's got into a ditch near Holmstead Hill, Cuckfield, and plaintiff and his four men were engaged in extricating it from 6 till 10.30 p.m. and from 6 till 8.30 the next morning. Plaintiff also had to hire a team of horses specially for the job. Defendant paid £1 4s 2d into court (including 2s as costs) as full satisfaction of claim. Judgment for plaintiff for the amount claimed.
Pctur: Brittain's Furniture Removals with a horse drawn cart in 1920. Courtesy Cambridgeshire Community Archive Network.
Mid Sussex Times, 7 December 1886
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.