Epsom Journal - Tuesday 10 December 1889
On Saturday afternoon a most distressing fatality happened on the Ansty-road, near Cuckfield. A heavy laden timber waggon was going along, belonging to Mr. Godsmark, and a little girl, named Philpott, about six years old, fell under the wheels, and was crushed to death.
The waggon was near the side of the road, and the little girl was on the bank. In trying to pass she slipped and fell under the wheel of the waggon. A tramp, named Newman, picked her up and took her to the lodge of Cuckfield Park where she died almost immediately. Newman then took the little brothers of deceased home, and informed their mother of the sad occurrence.

The inquest was held on Monday afternoon at the Green Man Inn, Ansty, before Mr. Coroner Hillman. Evidence was given by the father of deceased, who is a journeyman baker, the carters with the waggon, Stephen Newman, and Dr Wells, who said the child died of fracture of the base of the skull, caused by the squeeze of the wheel.
The jury returned a verdict of “Accidental death.”
The Coroner commended Newman for his kindness in attending to the child as he did, and taking the other children home.
The jury concurred.