Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 24 November 1903
Disgraceful Behaviour —Cuckfield.
Frederick Newman and James Tidey, Handcross, had to answer summonses for being drunk and disorderly, at Cuckfield, on November 1st. —George Tidey said he met defendants at Whiteman’s Green allotment gardens. They were using bad language, and witness gave them good advice, telling them to “pull themselves together and get off home” or they would be locked up. They went up the road.
—By Superintendent Brooman: They were rolling about the gardens, having had too much to drink.
—Mrs. Byles said she saw the two young fellows, who were drunk and used very bad language.
—Superintendent Brooman said this was a very bad case, and he had had complaints respecting defendants from the bottom of Cuckfield village right down to Staplefield. They insulted everybody they met on the road, and used obscene language to several ladies. Witness had had great difficulty ascertaining who they were, but had any amount of evidence to prove that they were drunk. Fined 7s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. costs each.