Cuckfield Improvement Association
A meeting in connection with this Association—the objects of which are to carry out, from time to time, by voluntary effort, improvements which may increase the attractions of the town and its immediate neighbourhood was held in the Queen’s Hall last (Monday) night. Mr. RA Bevan JP, presided, being supported by Major Maberly JP, and Mr CH Waugh (Hon. Secretary).
Others present were the Misses Bannister. Messrs. Mitchell, Morrison, Wilson, Harris, Knight, Rowland, Wood, Howe, Gibb, Herrington, Lewin, Anscombe, Denman and Bates. Owing to a bad cold Mr Walter Lloyd was unable to be present.
In opening the proceedings the Chairman read the following statement:
In accordance with the resolution passed at the public meeting held at the Queen’s Hall on 30th October last, the Committee appointed by that meeting issued an appeal for subscriptions for the objects of planting trees at Whiteman's Green and for providing seats for various places. In response to that appeal their Treasurer has received the sum of £49 12s.
The Committee after viewing the ground and discussing various kinds of trees decided upon planting a row of elms along the London Road and lime trees along each side of the Balcombe Road as far as the Green extends. They also decided to plant a couple of specimen maple trees on the Green, one near Mr. Erie’s ground and one about the middle of the Green, and a silver birch tree on the small piece of open ground near 'The Lamb'. Mr Symons, assisted by Mr George Stringer, kindly undertook the selection of the trees and they have now been planted end protected with iron guards at a total cost of Trees, £5 13s; guards, £21 7s 6d; labour, £4 19s 1d; total £31 19s 7d The Committee now have in hand a balance of £15 5s 9d, and out of this they propose to provide strong rustic oak seats to be placed ou the Green and along the roar! past Millhall and towards Ansty, and elsewhere where they may be thought desirable —one being by the oak in front of Mr Attewell’s house.
The Committee wish to record their thanks to Mr Symons for his trouble in selecting the trees and for very kindly carting them from the Nurseries at Hassocks to the Green, to Mr. S. Knight for superintending the planting, and to Mr Stephen Caffyn for kindly auditing the accounts.
Mid Sussex Times 23 February 1904
Contributed by Malcolm Davison.
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