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1910: Local Resident James Bradford provides a generous gift to older poor of Haywards Heath

Updated: Oct 2, 2020

Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 29 November 1910





The six almshouses, situated on the butler’s Green Road, Haywards Heath, which have been erected by the generosity of Mr. James Bradford, J.P.,of Oaklands, Haywards Heath, will shortly be ready for occupation. Messrs C. E. Clayton and Black, of Brighton, were the architects, and Mr. Horace Finch, Haywards Heath, the builder, and the old folk who have the good fortune to be permitted to reside in the almshouses will indeed have reason to bless the name of their benefactor. The houses are similar in their arrangement to those presented by Mr. Bradford to his native town in the Midlands, but the design, as carried out in local materials, is based upon the old Sussex cottage with its tall chimneys, lattice windows, and local bricks, oak timber and tiles.

James Bradford Almshouses, Butlers Green

An ornamental central doorway with buttressed sides is common to the two central houses, and these are flanked on either side by two others, making six residences in all. Within all are similar, each occupant having two rooms and the usual offices on one level, conveniently fitted up and extremely cosy and attractive. A special feature in each case is a new combination grate and kitchen (which was exhibited at the recent Brighton Sanitary Congress), also the noiseless wood block floors, and little oak dressers. A handsomely designed timber gateway stands at the road entrance, and half way up the wide pathway a stone dial is placed. Both the houses and the garden may truly be regarded as “havens of rest for worn-out pilgrims on life’s highway.”

An endowment fund has been provided, and provision has been made for free medical attendance and medicine to such of the inmates as the Trustees think fit. The first trustees will Mr. James Bradford, J.P., Captain C. W. Sergison, J.P., the Rev. T. G. Wyatt (Vicar of Haywards Heath), Mr. H. Plummer (County Councillor for the parish), Mr. A. R. Pannett, J.P. (Chairman of the Haywards Heath Urban Council), Mr. E. J. Waugh (Clerk to the Urban Council) and Mr. W. Jolly (Secretary of Court “Haywards Heath” Ancient Order of Foresters).

It is set forth in the conveyance that “the Trustees shall permit persons, inhabitants of the parish of St, Wilfrid, Haywards Heath, and their husbands and wives, widower's and widows, and such other persons as, in the opinion of the Trustees, are, owing to their age, or infirm health, otherwise from necessitous circumstances beyond their control, in need and deserving of assistance, to reside in any of the almshouses during their respective lives or for any shorter period (but so that preference be given to persons who are, or have been, members of a Friendly Society registered under the Friendly Societies’ Acts, or other Benefit Society, and their husbands and wives, widows and widowers) upon such conditions under such regulations as user of the almshouses, and conduct and behaviour of the inmates thereof, and in all other respects as the Trustees from time to time think fit lay down and impose, provided nevertheless that no person shall be permitted to reside in any of the almshouses unless such person shall have an annual income of at least £13 per annum, but not exceeding £20 per annum, and in the case of married persons joint income of £19 10s. per annum, but not exceeding £30 per annum.”

The election of the inmates of the almshouses is to decided by a majority of votes of the Trustees meeting assembled, and in case of an equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting is to have a casting vote. Forms of application may be obtained from Mr. Jolly, Boltro Road, Haywards Heath. Applicants must over 60 years of age.

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