Mid Sussex Times September 24 1929
Old Cuckfield Clockmakers.
To the Editor of the Mid Sussex Times.
Dear sir,
I was much interested in the article by Mr Hubert Bates relative to clocks made at Cuckfield and elsewhere, and particularly in the reference to Edward Garland who is buried at Cuckfield in 1780.
I have a grandfather clock in oak case, with brass face, by the same maker, which has descended to me from my great grandfather, who had Great Hayward, Chites and Hilders farms in Cuckfield Parish about 1808 to 1810. I have often wondered how long it has been in existence prior to that date, but as the maker died in 1780, 30 years before, it has evidently been ticking for something over 150 years, and it is still going strong and keeps excellent time.

Possibly my great grandfather inherited it from his father, or he may have purchased it. I have heard my father, who died in 1921 in his 93rd year, say that he remembered it as a child, that is for nearly or quite 90 years.
The information acquired is a great interest to me.
Yours faithfully,
T. W. Pickard.
Estate office,
Visit Cuckfield Museum for more on local clock making https://cuckfieldmuseum.org/clock-making-2/