Mid Sussex Times - Tuesday 01 November 1932
To the Editor of The Mid-Sussex Times
Dear Sir, —I read with no little interest your report of the Cuckfield protest meeting regarding the proposed incorporation of the urban district into a larger area for local government purposes.
The members of the Ratepayers’ Committee (most of them residents of a few years' standing) would find, if they read up Cuckfield’s history, that its star commenced to wane when the railway was refused. Since then it has lost its market, its Police Court, its Territorial headquarters, to mention a few things, all to Haywards Heath, and it is surely only a matter of time when its seat of local government must also go to Haywards Heath.
In the petition circulated the Committee claim that Cuckfield has its cemetery, but are the Committee aware that the present Haywards Heath Council has a voice in its administration? Are they also aware that the Haywards Heath Council appoint Trustees for the Middleton and Burrell Charity? I am afraid they do not, otherwise they would not have inserted the words in their petition
“There is no community of interest between Cuckfield and Haywards Heath.”
Yours faithfully,