1999: Perfect send off for actress and comedienne Angela Fox
Cuckfield Connections
A personal journey of discovery
1950s-70s: Jack Norris Snr - with skills admired by pro musicians
1848: Cuckfield inhabitants say farewell to much loved church rector with a fine memento
Cyril's very rare red car goes to a caring new home
JP's side with the smugglers
1569: Woman gives birth to cat and 'two wives apiece' in Cuckfield
1855: Muffled peal of respect for leading change ringer at Cuckfield
1785: Regent forgives coachmen for accident
40s-60s: Jack Norris Jnr's Tale
1785: Prince Regent's exhausting day
1542: A naked man's dilemma
c1850: The crimes of the Cuckfield Gang
1984: A glimpse into the past - Mrs Brigden's High Street shop in the 1880s
1869-1952: Edith Bevan Cuckfield suffragist
1909: Christabel Pankhurst's reply to Cuckfield's members
1909: Cuckfield addresses suffragette national meeting
1900: Cuckfield War Hero welcomed home, describes frontline experiences
1530: Andrew Boorde's home medical advice ... III
1530: Sage travel advice from Andrew Boorde ... II
1530: Dietary advice from a C16th century Cuckfield man ... I